Course Agent

Vitae | Publications

Dr. Susan C. Hines | | 858.731.7415

Professional Objective: Above all else, work must be meaningful and interesting. I remain in the higher education sector because work has never failed to deliver in these two areas. My administrative interests include libraries, academic support units, curriculum development, course design, instructional technologies, and faculty development. 


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Jamboarding at the Library.” The Chávez Communiqué. San José : San José City College, April 8, 2018.



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OER Adoption: Instructor Experiences.” The Chávez Communiqué. San José : San José City College, March 10, 2017.

Affordable, Accessible: SJCC’s eZ Degree Project and OER Initiative.” The Chávez Communiqué. San José : San José City College, January 30, 2017.



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Today’s Virtual Reality and Its Implications for Higher Ed.” TLC Blog. Chadron: Chadron State College, November 20, 2015.

What’s On the Horizon for Higher Ed.” LLC Blog. Chadron: Chadron State College, February 25, 2015.

Book Holding: It’s a Thing.” LLC Blog. Chadron: Chadron State College, February 15, 2015.



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Grading Made Easier.” LLC Blog. Chadron: Chadron State College, November 28, 2014.

A Room of One’s Own…with Podcast Studios!” LLC Blog. Chadron: Chadron State College, October 30, 2014.

A Little New Media for Your Online Courses.” LLC Blog. Chadron: Chadron State College, October 12, 2014

Faculty Multiuse Room Opens in October.” LLC Blog. Chadron: Chadron State College, October 1, 2014



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Library Reboot: A Feasibility Study. San Diego, CA: Course Agent. 2013.

Bachelor of Arts in English Self-Study Report. San Diego: Ashford University, 2013.

Composition I MOOC (with D. O’Hare). Lumen via Canvas Network, 2013.



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English 122: Composition II. San Diego, California: Ashford University, 2012.



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Electronic Learning Network (Blog Editor/Contributor). Cleveland, MS: Delta State University, 2007-2010.




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Unit 4: Active Learning (a unit of the Faculty First-Year Experience). Chadron, NE: Chadron State College, 2007.



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“The Ring and the Book, Robert Browning.” Poetry Criticism. Ed. Lawrence J. Tredeau. Vol. 61. Thomson Gale, 2005. (Reprinted) 2006.



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(He)gemony Cricket! Why in the World are We Still Watching Disney?” (written with Brenda Ayres). The Emperor’s Old Groove: Decolonizing Disney’s Magic Kingdom. NY: Peter Lang, 2003.

“Taking the Plunge.” The Savannah Morning News. Islands Closeup. 6 February 2003: 1A, 6A.



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“Brenda Brasher’s Give Me That Online Religion.” Resource Center for Cybercultural Studies. University of Washington (January 2002).

Hand-Me-Downs: Reusing Online Courses and Building Courses for Reuse.” In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2002 (p. 958). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.



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How To, and Why? What You Should Know About Course and Learning Management Systems” (with J. Cooke-Plagwitz). Ed-Media/Ed Telecom 2001: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications Proceedings. Vol. 2. Charlottesville, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 2001.

Issues of the Online Program Planning Process” (with L. Patton).Ed-Media/Ed Telecom 2001: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications Proceedings. Vol. 2. Charlottesville, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 2001.

“Media Technology.” McGraw-Hill Key Advantage Resources. Morrisville, NC: McGraw-Hill/Eduprise, Inc., 2001.

WBT/TopClass 4.2 Guidebook. Morrisville, NC: Eduprise, Inc., 2001.



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WBT/TopClass Research Library. Morrisville, NC: Eduprise, Inc. (Intranet), 2000.

“Wiring the Professorate: Teaching Teacher Technology.” Syllabus2000 Conference Proceedings. SyllabusWeb



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Hines on Heim’s Electric Language.” A Review of Electric Language: A Philosophical Study of Word Processing. H-Net Reviews in the Humanities and Social Sciences. H-Net. Michigan State University (October 1999).

“A Matter of Course: What Teaching Web Editing Can Do for Your Campus.” Syllabus99 Conference Proceedings.



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All the Bells and Whistles: Team-Teaching, Travel, Technology” (written with Jessamine Cooke-Plagwitz). Ed-Media/Ed Telecom 98: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications Proceedings. Vol. 2. Eds. Thomas Ottmann and Ivan Tomek. Charlottesville, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 1998. 1669-1670.

What Hypertext is Not Bound to Do: Digital Decision in the Literary Humanities” (from the CUMREC 1998 Conference in Atlanta). Educause Library, 1998.

Middle Georgia College Web-Hypermedia Development Project. 1996-1998 (site developer and manager).

Middle Georgia College Division of Humanities. 1996-1998 (site developer and manager)



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“The Hyper Resourceful Syllabus and Its Contents” (written with Jessamine Cooke-Plagwitz).Ed-Media/Ed Telecom 97: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications Proceedings. Vol. 2. Eds. Tomasz Muldner and Thomas Reves. Charlottesville, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 1997. 1452.

Co-editor (with Peter Gareis) of the Middle Georgia College Self-Study Manual for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Reaffirmation of Accreditation. Cochran, GA: MGC Press, 1997.



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“A Russian Rhapsody, Georgia Style” (with J. Davis). The Cochran Journal. 23 October 1996: 1-2.

Autobiography–A Mill of Words, a Rhetoric of Silence.” The Victorian Newsletter 90 (1996): 12-15.

Co-editor (with Peter Gareis) of the “Middle Georgia College SACS Self-Study and Reaffirmation Proposal.”



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Compiled and edited a special issue of the academic journal of science fiction, Extrapolation(vol. 36, no. 1) for Kent State University Press.

“What’s Academic About Trek?” Extrapolation 36 (1995): 5-9.



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The Body as Production in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.” The Explicator 52 (1994): 135-137.



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“Communism and Catholicism: The Challenge of Growing Up–and Out–in Czechoslovakia.”The Priest March 1993: 38-40.



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“William Dickey” and “George McWhirter” in Contemporary Poets. Ed. Tracy Chevalier. London: St. James Press, 1992. 226-27 and 637-639.



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“A Trial Reading of Robert Browning’s The Ring and the Book.” Studies in Browning and His Circle 18 (1990): 28-33.
