Vitae | Presentations
Dr. Susan C. Hines | | 858.731.7415
Professional Objective: Above all else, work must be meaningful and interesting. I remain in the higher education sector because work has never failed to deliver in these two areas. My administrative interests include libraries, academic support units, curriculum development, course design, instructional technologies, and faculty development.
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Open Education Week, Open Education Consortium
San José City College | San José, California | 3/7
Organizer, Speaker & Facilitator (with L. Levy)
Presentations on Equity and Accessibility and OpenStax Canvas Course Shells
OER Workshop for ZTC Grantees
San José City College | San José, California | 2/23
Host & opening remarks in cooperation with West Hills College & CCCOER
[maxbutton name=”2017″]
DET/CHE 32: Annual Conference for Directors
of Educational Technology in California Higher Education
Costa Mesa, California | 11/28-12/1
Panelist (with U. Daly, J. Glapa-Grossklag, J. Julius, L. Kennedy, and L.Tirapelle)
Presentation: “From Why to How: Launching an OER Initiative on your Campus”
2017 OER Summit for ZTC Degrees
College of the Canyons | Santa Clarita, California | 9/8
Panelist (with L. Tirapelli, J. Love, J. Glapa-Grossklag, and U. Daly)
Discussion on Administrative Role in ZTC Degrees
Open Education Week, Open Education Consortium
San José City College | San José, California | 3/27-31
Organizer, Speaker & Facilitator (with V. Harris, L. Burnham-Levy, and U. Daly)
Presentations on OER Textbooks, Zero-Textbook Degrees, and Communities of Practice
[maxbutton name=”2016″]
Teaching & Learning Institute, Appalachian College Association
Lenoir-Rhyne University | Hickory, North Carolina | 6/6-10
Speaker & Facilitator (with B. Blakeley and G. Shupe).
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Society for College and University Planning, North Central Symposium | Des Moines, Iowa | 4/29
Panel Presentation (with S. Lehmkuhle, S. DeClue, G. Martin, D. Reid, and P. Simpson).
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On the Horizon | New Media Consortium | Online | 10/2
Panel Presentation (with R. Lancefield, C. Mattos de Assumpção, P. Signorelli, and K. Smith).
New Media Consortium Annual Conference | Portland, Oregon | 6/16-19
Poster Presentation (with E. Ledbetter and C. Fullerton):
“OER Mixology: Recipes for Curriculum Development with Open-Education Resource.”
[maxbutton name=”2013″]
Sloan-C 19th International Conference on Online Learning | Orlando, Florida | 11/20-22
Poster Presentation: “The Greatest Education for the Greatest Number”
Western Association of Schools and Colleges’ Academic Resource Conference | San Diego, California | 4/10-12
Presentation: “Compelling Instructional Technology Mentoring”
[maxbutton name=”2012″]
6th International Conference on Design Principles and Practice | UCLA | Los Angeles, California | 1/20-22
Presentation (with J. Cooke-Plagwitz):
“Instructional Design in Higher Ed: No Country for Young Divas”
[maxbutton name=”2011″]
Open Education Conference & Kaleidoscope Project Meeting | Park City, Utah | 10/25-28
Presentation (with D. O’Hare): “Composition I.”
Electronic Learning Network Seminars, Institutes, and Workshops | Delta State University | Cleveland, Mississippi | 2007-2011
Delivered multiple seminars, institutes, and workshops each semester through the Office of Information Technology.
[maxbutton name=”2010″]
SunGard Summit | San Francisco, California | April 11-14, 2010
Presentation: “eBook rEvolution“
Creating Futures Through Technology Annual Conference | Biloxi, Mississippi | 3/3-5
Presentation: “eBook rEvolution”
[maxbutton name=”2009″]
STLHE International Conference | Fredericton, New Brunswick | Canada | 6/16-19
Presentation (with C. Snare): “A Turbid Ebb and Flow: New Faculty and the Institution”
[maxbutton name=”2008″]
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WCET) 20th Annual Conference | Phoenix, Arizona | 11/5-8
Presentation (with C. Snare & D. Offerman): “Supporting Faculty Teaching in a Non-Traditional Format: Striking a Balance”
The 2008 ROMEA Conference | Delta State University | Cleveland, Mississippi | 10/6
Presentation: “The Role(s) of New Media and Social Networking in Teaching and Learning”
Creating Futures Through Technology Annual Conference | Biloxi, Mississippi | 2/6-8
Presentation: “Air Time: Promoting Student Podcasts in Your Courses”
[maxbutton name=”2007″]
The 2007 ROMEA Conference | Delta State University | Cleveland, Mississippi | 10/6
Presentation: “Grading Faster, Grading Better”
Workshops on Assessment and Media-Rich eLearning | Chadron State College | Chadron, Nebraska | 3/21-23
Delivered multiple presentations and workshops.
eLearning Seminars and Workshops | Wilkes University | Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania | 2005-2007
Delivered multiple seminars and workshops each semester through the Office of Information Technology.
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Learning Outcomes Assessment and eLearning Technologies | Garrett College | Garrett, Maryland | 11/25-27
Delivered multiple presentations and workshops for Garrett College, including “Podcasting: An Introduction for College Faculty.”
12th Annual Technology and Learning Conference | Montgomery County Community College | Blue Bell, Pennsylvania | 10/6
Presentation: “Grading Faster, Grading Better”
ePedagogy Training for EMT Hybrid Program Instructors | Matanuska-Susitna College | Palmer, Alaska | 8/24-25
Delivered multiple workshops for EMT instructors.
Impact 2006: 8th Annual WebCT Users Conference | Chicago, Illinois | 7/13
Presentation (with E. Wright): “A Model Healthcare Residency”
2nd Annual Virtual Conference on TLT | J. Sargeant Reynolds CC | Richmond, Virginia | 4/10-21
Online Interactive Presentation: “We’ve Done Our Course; There’s Money for Your Pains”
E-Learning 2006 | Instructional Technology Council | Savannah, Georgia | 2/11
Keynote Address: “We’ve Done Our Course; There’s Money for Your Pains”
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SIGGRAPH 2005 | Los Angeles, California | 8/3-4
Course Agent participated in the Educators’ Program Incubator at the 32nd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques.
[maxbutton name=”2004″]
Faculty Course Design Training | Savannah College of Art and Design | Savannah, Georgia | 2002 – 2004
Delivered online course design workshops on a quarterly basis for SCAD faculty developing fully online programs.
National Alliance of Community and Technical Colleges: 5th Anniversary Conference | Savannah, Georgia | 10/18
Panel Presentation: “The Next Generation of Distance Education”
Open-Source Assessment and eLearning Technologies | Matanuska-Susitna College & University of Alaska | 3/5 & 9/23-27
Delivered presentations and workshops and open-source technologies.
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Summer eLearning Academies | Tennessee Board of Regents | Dickson, Tennessee | 6/11 & 7/29
Multiple presentations and workshop on evaluating the effectiveness of teaching and learning online, including presentation: “The Dynamo and the Virgin: Holistic Assessment for e-Learning”
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Winter FAIR: Festival of Academic and Instructional Resources | Oklahoma City CC | Oklahoma City, Oklahoma | 1/15
Presentation: “Producing Exams in Online Environs: Applications, Considerations, Innovations.”
[maxbutton name=”2001″]
Ed-Media/Ed-Telecom: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications
University of Tampere | Tampere, Finland | 6/25-30
Presentation 1 (with J. Cooke-Plagwitz): “How To, and Why? What You Should Know About Course and Learning Management Systems”
Presentation 2 (with L. Patton): “Issues of the Online Program Planning Process”
Faculty Days Symposia | Brookdale College | Lincroft, New Jersey | 5/14
Delivered keynote presentation, keynote follow-up, and workshop on best practices for online teaching.
Faculty Technology Workshops | Immaculata College | Immaculata, Pennyslvania | 1/12
Presentation: “Integrating Technology: Current Action and Future Opportunities”
[maxbutton name=”2000″]
Syllabus 2000 | Santa Clara Convention Center; Santa Clara, California | 7/22-28
Presentation (with J. Cooke-Plagwitz): “Re: Wiring the Professorate”
[maxbutton name=”1999″]
Syllabus 1999 | | Santa Clara Convention Center; Santa Clara, California | 7/24-30
Presentation: “A Matter of Course: What Teaching Web Editing Can Do for Your Campus”
5th Annual Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching | University of Georgia | Athens, Georgia | 4/12-14
Presentation: “What’s My (On)Line? Or the Wayward Ways of the Internet Interdisciplinary”
[maxbutton name=”1997″]
Ed-Media/Ed-Telecom: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications
University of Calgary | Calgary, Alberta | Canada | 6/14-19
Presentation (with J. Cooke-Plagwitz): “The Hyper Resourceful Syllabus and Its Contents”
3rd Annual Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching | University of Georgia | Athens, Georgia | 5/22-24
Presentation (with T. Anderson): “Enabling the Disabled Student Body: Yet Another Argument for Instructional Multimedia and Hypermedia”
Regents Distinguished Professors & CAO Meeting | Georgia Southern University | Statesboro, Georgia | 1997
Presentation: “MGC’s Web-Hypermedia Development Project”
[maxbutton name=”1996″]
Georgia Association of Two-Year Colleges Annual Meeting & Conference | Darton College | Albany, Georgia | 11/1-2
Presentation (with J. Plagwitz): “The Hyper Resourceful Syllabus and Its Contents”
Fall Faculty Conference | Middle Georgia College | Cochran, Georgia | 9/17-20
Presentation: “Instructional Hypermedia”
[maxbutton name=”1995″]
4th Annual Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies Conference | Statesboro, Georgia | 4/13-15
Paper Presentation: “Chains of Being: Harriet Jacobs and the Other Southern Self”; Creative Reading: “Hrad Clovekov” (a poem)
[maxbutton name=”1990″]
Canadian Comparative Literature Conference | Vancouver, British Columbia | Canada | 3/9-10
Paper Presentation: “On Forging the Early Modern Autobiography: A Comparative (Re)view”
[maxbutton name=”1989″]
Robert Browning Centennial Symposium | Armstrong-Browning Library | Waco, Texas | 9/20-22
Paper Presentation: “A Trial Reading of Robert Browning’s The Ring and the Book”